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11.07.2013 05:09:03 PM
Die Idee mit dem Trip ist erst diese Woche aufgekommen, ich wollte eigentlich mit meinem Kollegen Damon etwas in der Karibik Island Hoppen...

Er war aber fasziniert von der Idee etwas die eurasische Kontinentalplatte besser kennenzulernen. Und als ich ihm den Link von unserem Africa Trip zeigte, hat er gleich am nächsten Tag ein Flug nach ZRH gebucht.

Etwas sehr spotan wie sich dann mit der Visathematik herausstellte. Die Visa Geschichte ist ja immer so eine Sache, wir sind eigentlich schon viel zu spät dafür, aber ich habe einen Service gefunden, wo ich für CHF 350.- alle Formulare zugestellt bekommen habe, ausgefüllt und mit Pass abgegeben, und alle Visas plus die nötigen Invitation Letters per Ende Juli bekommen werde. Für Russland, Kasachstan und Mongolei. Der Williams kommt morgen zum Mech.

Mein in Mexico wohnender Kollege von Australien mit Wurzeln in Irland hat das Problem, dass er das Russland Visum nur im Land des momentanen Aufenthalts oder im Heimatland beantragen kann. Das reicht aber in Mexico nicht mehr. Seine Mutter schickt ihm nun aber seinen irischen Pass aus Australien zu mir. Er kommt dann irgendwann nächste Woche an, dann muss er den irischen Pass nach Irland schicken für das Russland Visum und paralell den australischen Pass auf das Kazach- und Mongolei-Embassy in der Schweiz. Somit schaffen wir es voraussichtlich noch bis Ende Monat, dass wir pünklich am 2. August Nachts loscruisen können... Gute Sache so zwei Pässe!

Ich möchte dieses Mal eigentlich wirklich gar nichts organisieren, planen, oder mir die Überraschungen von anderen Erlebnisberichten schon vorwegnehmen. Das Einzige was zu checken sich sicher lohnt, sind Bordercheckpoints - welche überhaupt offen sind für den Toursimus, dies gilt es noch in Erfahrung zu bringen. Dann genug Zigretten und USD Noten zum bestechen dabei zu haben ist sicherlich auch sinnvoll. Ich nehme sicher mein Water Purifier Thingy mit und die zwei Kanister um extra Benzin zu haben. Dann ein Passport mit gülten Visen drin und los gehts!
31.07.2013 08:36:29 AM
Damon is now here since around two weeks. He had to fly to Dublin, cause they would not accept mail from outside Ireland on the Russian Embassy in Dublin. So he went there and they told him, that it's not possible to get a double entry visa valid for a month. That's most possibly because we forget to already have the letter of invitation ready. So he went again. Still not happy the people there, he also had to get a copy of the vehicle identity card. So he went again the next day to then get only a transit visa valid for three days...

...starting at the 7. August. Means we have like five days for the first 3500 kilometers... Not much chilling in the Ukraine for sure! Maybe a stop and a rest in Bratislava and one stop in Kiev.

They say we should try in Almaty, Kasachstan to get next transit visa. Some say it's not possibly on the way, but it's the same old thing, you only know when you found out yourself...

Car is prepared, we have four sparewheels, only the exhaust won't make it to far anymore the mechanic said. We'll see.

In two days it's friday - in two days we gonna sit in the car in the evening and start heading east - how f* exiting!!!
02.08.2013 11:44:24 AM
Ok, so this is it. That's the day. Tonight we start driving. Still a little hangover and tired from "schöne erste August!"-Party and lighting up all that firework...

We gonna change the wheels to the fancy golden ones with the summer tires on them, gonna pick up the passports and heading east towards Bratislava, where we hopefully arrive by tomorrow morning

02.08.2013 07:24:43 PM
last preperation...  
02.08.2013 07:24:56 PM
02.08.2013 07:25:11 PM
03.08.2013 07:34:18 PM
Arrived in bratislava. From eight yesterday night till 12 today. Three hours of sleep in the car, adac angel who showed us how to solve the 'standgas'-problem, another three hours monster traffic starting at four in the morning. Finally we made. 38 degrees or more. The first long leg of our trip, met by even longer legs by the women in the capital city of slovakia. Tomorrow we are already heading further east, next stop kiev :)
05.08.2013 06:56:59 AM
Plans changed a little as the one beer i bratilslava turned out to be many and also like 12% for standard beer, followed by some more drinks. Could only leave like at four in the afternoon. Made it to Presov (500kms) by nightfall and parked in the rapey-est garage ever...the stuff of horror films. Got up at 6 and plan to be in Kiev by 8 tonight. Pedal to the metal!
05.08.2013 09:15:17 PM
Arrived i kiev after a 12 hour drive today. Overtaking maniacs here, but you gotta go with the flow if you ever wanna get somewhere... First impression of kiev: civilized wild... But finally definitley different from home :) tomorrow is our first resting day, yay!
06.08.2013 03:42:27 PM
Place to stay in bratislava: william art hotel. In kiev: greguar, including kitchen, and washing mashine! So much fun reading kyrillic and even understanding loads of it... Kiev is huge and very lively, the borsh is really tasty here, the people very helpful, there is not a big western tourist industry, which also is big plus, would love ro stay for some days or weeks... The day of rest is really needed, tomorrow we'll get up at five again and try to reach volgograd, russia. Damons transit visa is only valid from tomorrow till the nineth, so we have to do the next 1500 kilometers or so till friday. We have to enter kasachstan till then, so much unknown to come, so exiting! Hope the car doesn't let us down... Poor old battered williams, brave little old machine, so reliable even if it sounds like it's gonna burst into a thousand pieces any moment... Pictures following as soo as we gonna be online in an internetcaffe
07.08.2013 05:45:32 AM
5:30 aufgestanden um den horror stau in kiev zu vermeiden und weil wir heute wieder 18 stunden reine fahrzeit vor uns haben, falls wir es bis volgograd machen wollen. Wäre toll, könnten wir trotz zeitdruck etwas zeit dort verbringen, ist shliesslich auch so ein ort wo der name selber schon so romantisch exotisch klingt. Strategisch für die Russen sicher ein wichtiger Punkt umgeben von Kasachstan im Osten und weiter südlich davon das Kaspische Meer, dann Azarbeitschan, Georgien, südwestlich davon das schwarze Meer und dann im Westen die Ukraine, nur 800 Kilometer nordnordwestlich liegt auch schon Moskau, je nach Fahrweise rund zehn Stunden mit dem Auto.
08.08.2013 07:29:38 PM
7.8.2013: Starting out from kiev at super-early o'clock for russia, volgograd in particular, we had a long day ahead...a long day indeed. The transit visa would start today and we have three days to get thru russia to kasachstan. Driving out of kiev at that time has amazingly free streets because aparrently people there dont drive till post-hangovr, or until the booze kicks in. Needless to say, there are some nuts drivers as we were to find out. Given we had free reign of the freeway, 160 seemed a nice round number...until someone flashes their lights to say there are police ahead (thanks guys!) We had our preconceptions about eastern europe cops...aaaand here we go, we're now getting pulled over..."chill man, just be cool" Cop: "what are you up to?" (Checking out the insides of the car) Nic: "volgograd" Cop: *confused funny face* "ah, you'll have to turn right sometime in the future" Then came the overtaking wars. Anyone, no matter how slow the car, would try and overtake without fear of death... Seriously! So many missed opportunities. Last city in ukraine was serious wild west with crayzy traffic, drivers and tractors. Last stretch of road out of ukraine was like a paint mixer. The exaust got louder and louder everytime it hit the streets or the other way round... Stopped off at a road house for fuel and some borsh and steak and nic had a great chat with the owner in german. Arrived at the russian border and 2 hours later we were across. Sun was going down and a lightning storm in the distance made for an ominous but beautiful welcome. Driving in the dark and russian roads shouldnt mix. Especially with laterns as headlights. Due to bad roads the exhaust was at the verge of extinction. The road that we took to get a hotel before pitch-black, ended with a river in the way. One other car was waiting for the ferry too, it was ten in the evening. He said it will arrive in 10 minutes. Half an hour later they turned off all lights and we thought we were going to sleep in the car, but after an hour the ferry arrived; whereupon we realised we had no local currency, and we had to improvise. Damon asked nic "should we try ukrainien currency?"but nic said "lets just get on that boat first" move. *thumbs up* He didnt wanted ukrainien currency, so damon offered a cigar. He was more interested in the beautiful wooden box, so that was an expensive 50 meters on water...but Damon took it in stride. The other driver that was waiting with us (and also interested in why 2 guys would want to drive to was the Captain) then, the driver got us to a bancomat and to a hotel. The night was saved, what a exiting start to russia! 8.8.2013: Next afternoon we were looking for a mechanic, we found one after some getting further into russian detail with terms in carbusiness, its not the afto-something (long day sorry) its just like a hole in the wall thingy you have to look for. We then checked the exhaust and it was broken pretty bad, he said he doesn't have that diameter and he cant help us. Thanks to mark, !!Our hero of the day!! we had an exhaust repair kit, which fucking nailed it!!! (Remember of august: celebrating marks day fro now on). Driving 100-odd kms to the next cross-town only to find that the bridge was out... BUT luckily there were some helpful locals to get us back on our way...for a price...who just happened to be super-young teenagers with motorbikes. "Hmm". Nic: how much? Two dudes leaning in the window looking at iphone: 150 rubles (2-3$) Damon: we are gonna get jacked! Nic: not everyone wants to take your money! *fast forward 15 minutes* Young dude: (probably asking for more money, we established)...*something russian pointing at stuff* Damon: No, we're going to kazakhstan.... Nic said "no thanks, bye bye!" Young dude got us on the road and we legged it...160 through fields of green, sunflowers, cows, crows, horses and a LOT of road. *video and photos to follow* Finally arrived in somewhere four hours away from the border, a place where you would not want to stay a minute longer than necessary, a typical border town, only trucks, a gasstation. Everything got really basic, toilets in the backyard (plumpsklo), a shower you would not want to touch, dirty rundown and also cheap. Met some nice fellas from tschetschnia, prensented s with a watermelon, got some cuban cigars in exchange. We now made the first 3500 kilometers.... We have get over the border to kasachstan tomorrow, because damons transit visa is running out then. Seems we can make it, only 200 km away from the border. Good fight, good night!
08.08.2013 07:32:35 PM
08.08.2013 07:34:03 PM
08.08.2013 07:35:32 PM
08.08.2013 07:37:28 PM
08.08.2013 07:38:55 PM
08.08.2013 07:42:15 PM
  Just found out the hittheroad page can now directly post from iphone so here some updates. First few on te way and in brarislava, then impressions of kiev - super cool city, who would have guessed!
08.08.2013 07:43:35 PM
08.08.2013 07:45:50 PM
  Street ends, river in the way - after 16 hours on the road.. Not motivating!
08.08.2013 07:47:40 PM
Tankstellenshop: hinter der theke: endlose auswahl alkohol,wie in einer bar!  
08.08.2013 07:48:53 PM
08.08.2013 07:50:36 PM
Car is loud. Not beeing good on the gas anymore, like it breaks down any secound. That's the reason why!  
08.08.2013 07:51:59 PM
Marks survival kit saved the whole trip, mark is the man!  
08.08.2013 07:53:09 PM
08.08.2013 07:54:42 PM
08.08.2013 08:00:00 PM
  Here we are now, somewhere or more like nowhere, four hours from the kazach border. Still moving, car is loud, sounds like a real rally car... Anyone who has performed so much service to his duty would be knighted, so i know 'dub thee, SIR WILLIAM'
09.08.2013 03:01:58 AM
09.08.2013 03:09:37 AM
That's the kind a place you would not want to touch anything, letz hope kazachstan has more to offer accomodation-wise. Oh well, it is what it is, and it costs 700 rubles, arround 10 francs per person  
09.08.2013 04:24:33 AM
  Wir müsssen schon nicht mehr mal den wecker stellen um um fünf morgens aufzustehen. Mit dem Sonnenaufgang geht das Leben los, die Hähne kreischen, die frauen wischen und wir machen uns wieder auf den weg. Further east to the wild wild east :)
09.08.2013 08:28:09 AM
Just got pulled over ny the cops again. Made to much noise. He was like this is russia! Ok! Do you speak emglish? Yes! Then he went on i russian anyways. Sprechen sie deutsch? Ja! He went on in russian. He wanted something. We did not umderstand. Then he got tired and waved us of. The whole time speaking dangling around his neck, the barrel pointing directly in pur faces, yes this is russia!
09.08.2013 05:09:28 PM
Arrived in Guryev, Kasachstan. First big town after the border. Started at six in the morning, arrived at eight in the eve. Around 4000 km down. The road was the worst we ever experienced. Hit a lot of really deep holes. The exaust is once again fucked. The noise is painstakingly loud. There must be some new holes. We got ourself a wonderful hotel, what a joy after the one from last night. We deserved ourselfs another resting day. Urgently needed. Damon was driving like a real kasak, still no chance of holding on to the speeds of the ladas. Endless plains, cows, horses and now also camels and dromedars in the way on the road. Glad we made it in time as the transit visa is running out today. Now we have no more time pressure, except of the other 8000 km in the next two weeks. Life is good again, civilization, breakfastbuffet and a clean shower, even a real toilet...! Just got into reading russian little more fluently, now in kasak language the combine the kyrillic letters in a much tougher combination again...
11.08.2013 12:54:21 PM
Guryev is actually the old name, since 1990 it is called Atyrau. The city is all about oil, there are loads of expats from everywhere and everyone is working in the oil business. It's a lot of money here, a lot of police, and the city is kept very clean. It's a very special place, an unexpeted oasis. A huge supermarket, with everything you would ever want to buy, I could live here for some time. Only the food in the restaurants we tried so far is really bad...
11.08.2013 12:56:44 PM
11.08.2013 02:25:03 PM
Alkohol ist hier ein grosses Thema, im Supermarkt gibt es sogar eine Art Bar mit Zapfhahn...?!  
13.08.2013 07:23:19 AM
13.08.2013 07:29:39 AM
  Got the exaust fixed again. But then realised that also the front left axle is gone. As we were also exhausted from the last week, we decided to be lazy and not feeling like driving another 3000-4000 km to almaty, where we don't know if damo gets his next russian visa, which you supposedly only get in your country of residence.
13.08.2013 07:35:04 AM
So we got the car cleaned and tried to sell it. Seems to be a very complicated act as it turns out, because of customs regulations. So the guy who fixed the car offered 650 usd for the parts after some quite straight forwarding bargaining...  
13.08.2013 07:50:56 AM
So we told the guy we need the money tonight, the 100'000 Tenges. He said to meet him in an hour from at 10 at night, a neighbourhood you would not want to be in at all. We called a taxi to escort us and went to the meeting. There were three cars parked outside this ominous place of, with two guys standing in front of each car, the place only lit by the headlights. We brought a crowbar in the backpack just in case... So with all that tensed up energy, we were relieved to see also the mechanics girlfriend was there. He gave nic the money, damon gave this guy the keys, and that's that with the willy. We took off the numberplates, he sat in te car with his girlfriends and drove off with a pretty happy smile in his face.... So what we thought than is, that he would not take it apart, and we hope that our reliable little friend life will go on for much longer!  
13.08.2013 07:59:34 AM
Now we arrived in moscow airport, first it seemed like damon has to stay, stuck with no valid visa, but then we could also sort that out too. Tonight at eight we gonna be back home, in one piece, more or less. Everyone on the road asked the same question in disbelieve: 'why are you doing this?' And i guess the answer is, getting out of your comfort zone.
13.08.2013 11:05:27 PM
14.08.2013 08:52:00 AM
  Home sweet home, what a bliss ;)
21.08.2013 06:37:13 PM

eurasia from Jiminy Cricket on Vimeo.

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